Maybe I Needed a PolySci Degree

XKCD, so true on so many levels, and updates

1 minute read

Certified skydiving instructors know way more about safely falling from planes than I do, and are way more likely to die that way.


Certified skydiving instructors know way more about safely falling from planes than I do, and are way more likely to die that way.

Felt I needed to post something just to remember how. This felt appropriate on so many levels.

I have several more mostly completed random musings but just haven’t taken the time from other things to think and edit them into shape enough to even post in this personal and casual form.


laundry list of niggles, big and small

2 minute read

TODO: Site plumbing fix CI for gitlab vs. netlify create a preview workflow for deployed content, not just hugo server (netlify git branch support or deploy preview feature - gitlab equiv?) rss setup properly? [-] site search (via Google) broken: fix [fixed but still consider] or do differently, static… at least look at css integration similar to google powered search at analytics base url for netlify deploy vs config.

Notes on Site Build and Deploy

Hugo, Gitlab, and Netlify, etc.

7 minute read

So I thought that as I created a Hugo based site, I’d keep running notes of what issues I encountered and what I did about them. That way later on I could refer back to know what the hell I was thinking when x came up.

Then I charged forward, did most of the research on tablet, and just otherwise completely ignored my plan.

So instead, here’s my recollection of a few things that I do sort of recall…

The problem with calling it AI

I have an issue with the term Artificial Intelligence.

2 minute read

Calling an intelligence that happens to not be human, not be “nature made” intelligence an “artificial intelligence” is a fundamental problem for me. In my opinion, the term Artificial Intelligence carries a lot of baggage.
I feel like it is used with an implicit, automatic meaning attached that any AI must by definition be different, probably lesser, not “human”, not real.